If you are searching for a particular House of Worship in the Global Village, you will not find it. There are no brick and mortar churches, masques, synagogues or temples here. They are not needed. Anyone who wishes to acknowledge a Higher Power can do so within the confines of his or her conscious mind. Therein lives the greatest Mystery of life: what lies just beyond our physical senses.
. Every resident of the Global Village is welcome to connect with this Higher Power. There are no special rituals or protocols required. One need only go past the cares and distractions that still linger from our days in the Industrial Park. When all that is put aside, the conscious mind is open to Peace and Serenity. These are the spiritual bricks and mortar of the only House of Worship in the Global Village.
Prayers may begin spontaneously across the Village. But everyone knows that prayers are required and responds according to their own tradition. Christians call upon Jesus, Buddhists finger their mala beads, Hindus chant mantras, and Muslims initiate the Salat. Others may wish upon a star, observe a moment of mindfulness, or perform a random act of kindness. Regardless of the way each resident prays, they all do so in unison.
Every resident of the Global Village is able to connect with this Higher Power. There are no special rituals or protocols required. One need only go past the cares and distractions that still linger from our days in the Industrial Park. When all that is put aside, the conscious mind is open to Peace and Serenity. These are the spiritual bricks and mortar of the only House of Worship in the Global Village.