The most important curriculum in the Industrial Park was "how to earn a living" It did not matter how much you already knew or how much knowledge you could acquire in school. What mattered was the ability to earn a living. Since everyone had the same goal it was not hard to figure out where you could earn the best living. Both small and large businesses in the Industrial Park community were always on the lookout for people willing and able to earn a paycheck by operating machines or managing the workers who did so. This did not require much knowledge or complex reasoning--just physical strength, dexterity and a good work ethic. When mathematical or verbal skills were required, then a high school diploma was sufficient to gain access. The rest was conveyed On-The-Job by a Foreman or Supervisor who had learned the job the same way. In many cases, the company CEO had come up through the ranks this way.
It is not like that in the Global Village. Here, life is more about learning how to live than learning how to earn a living. There are no bars to entry in the Global Village. Anyone is welcome to live here, regardless of their mental acuity or physical dexterity. There is a global need for just about every skill and every cache of actionable knowledge that sustained the Industrial Park. However, this need is not concentrated in a local community nor is it actively acquired by designated business entities. For example, the ability to analyze data and annotate trends may not have much value on the streets of Bangladesh, but can buy a comfortable living using the WWW.
The biggest obstacle to living well in the Global Village is finding buyers for your products or services. The buyers are generally strangers whose work ethic and cultural values are a total mismatch to the sellers they seek. In the Industrial Park, that would be a showstopper. In the Global Village, it is mostly an inconvenience. Language barriers are easily bridged by Applications that provide instantaneous translation. Currency issues are bridged using virtual value that can move from the buyer's account to the seller's account at the speed of thought. There is no problem with cyber-security because false claims can be traced and corrected faster than a cyber thief can execute them. Those whose only motive is to terrorize residents of the Global Village are simply cut off the Web and isolated. Their ability to purchase products is limited to food and shelter which may be provided as welfare to ensure no access to the Web is needed to sustain their life.